In 1790, there was a Frenchman named sifrak, who was especially fond of thinking. One day, he was walking on a street in Paris. Because it had rained the day before, there was a lot of rain on the road, which made it difficult to walk. Suddenly, a four wheeled carriage rolled from behind. The street was narrow, and the carriage was wide. Sifrak was lucky not to be knocked down by the carriage, but was still splashed with mud and rain. When others saw it, they felt sorry for him and scolded him angrily. They wanted to call the carriage to stop and negotiate rationally. Sifrak murmured, "stop yelling, stop yelling, let them go." The carriage had gone far away, and he was still standing on the roadside. He thought: the road is so narrow and there are so many pedestrians. Why can't we change the structure of the carriage? The carriage should be cut in half along the way, and the four wheels should be changed into two wheels in front and back... He thought this way, and went home to design. After repeated experiments, the first "Trojan wheel" car was built in 1791. The earliest bicycle was made of wood. Its structure was relatively simple. There was neither a driving device nor a steering device. The cyclist pedaled on the ground with his feet. When he changed direction, he could only get off the car and move it. Even so, when Sifrac rode this bike to the park for a ride, the people present were also quite surprised and amazed.
In 1816, there was a forest watcher in Germany named Dres. He walked from this forest in the east of the village to another forest in the west every day, year after year. He thought: wouldn't it be very natural and unrestrained for a person to sit in a car and stop and go as he pleases? Dres began to make wooden wheeled carts, similar to those made by Sifrac. However, a handlebar controlling the direction is added to the front wheel to change the direction of travel. But when riding, you still need to step on the ground with your two feet one by one to push the car forward. When Delles went out to test by bike, he was laughed at by many people along the way. Even so, he still likes the "cute pony bike cub" he created. Once, when DeLes was wandering on his bike, he drove a carriage. The coachman laughed at him and said that his carriage was slow, so he said to the coachman, "Do you believe my carriage is faster than your carriage?" So the two of them made a bet. It was a round trip from the east of the village to the west of the village. As a result, delis was more than an hour faster than the coachman.

In 1840, Macmillan, a blacksmith in England, got a worn-out "cute pony". He installed a crank on the axle of the rear wheel, and then connected the crank with the front pedal with a connecting rod. The front and rear wheels are made of iron. The front wheels are large, and the rear wheels are small. When cyclists step on their pedals, the bike will automatically move and run forward. Therefore, he was caught by the police and fined. The charge was "brutal cycling". In 1861, Mishaus and his son in France, who originally worked as wagon repairmen, installed pedals on the front wheels that could rotate; The saddle of the car is mounted on the front wheel, so unless the rider is particularly skilled, he will not be able to grasp the handlebars and fall off the car. They named the two wheeled vehicle "bicycle" and exhibited it at the Paris Exposition in 1867, which was an eye opener to the audience. In 1869, after seeing French bicycles, Renault in England found them too bulky and began to figure out how to make them lighter. He used steel wire spokes to tighten rims as wheels; At the same time, the frame is made of thin steel bars. The front wheel of the car is large and the rear wheel is small. Thus, the weight of the bicycle itself is reduced. From Sivlak to Renault, the five types of bicycles they made are quite different from modern bicycles.
The truly modern bicycle was born in 1874. In 1874, an Englishman, Luo Song, ingeniously installed chains and sprockets on his bicycle and used the rotation of the rear wheel to drive the car forward. However, the front wheels are still large and the rear wheels are small. It seems that they are not coordinated and stable enough. In 1886, John K. Staley, a mechanical engineer in England, designed a new style of bicycle from the perspective of mechanics and kinematics. He installed a front fork and brakes on the bicycle. The front and rear wheels were the same size to maintain balance. He also made a diamond shaped frame of steel pipes and used rubber wheels for the first time. Staley not only improved the structure of bicycles, but also reformed many machine tools for the production of bicycle parts, which opened up broad prospects for the mass production and promotion of bicycles. Therefore, he was called the "father of bicycles" by later generations. The bicycle model designed by Stanley is basically the same as today's bicycle. In 1888, Dunlop, an Irish veterinarian, got inspiration from the treatment of cattle's bloating stomach. He glued the rubber tube used for watering in his garden into a round shape, filled it with air, put it on the bicycle wheel, and went to participate in the cycling race. He actually ranked among the best, which aroused great interest. Pneumatic tire is an epoch-making innovation in the history of bicycle development. It increases the elasticity of the bicycle and will not vibrate due to uneven road surface; At the same time, the driving speed is greatly increased, and the friction between the wheel and the road surface is increased. In this way, the riding performance of the bicycle is fundamentally changed and the use function of the bicycle is improved. Also in 1888, John K. Staley of Coventry, England, produced the first modern bicycle - "safety" bicycle. Its main feature is the diamond frame structure, which makes the body have higher stiffness and strength. The rear wheels are driven by chains, and the direction is directly controlled by the front fork.
The world's first truly practical bicycles appeared in the early 19th century. In 1817, German De Les invented a wooden two wheeled bicycle with handlebars in Paris, France. After the advent of bicycles, they quickly became the vehicles favored by Europeans at that time. In the 19th century, some Europeans also conceived some ideal bicycle pictures.